Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Film, sneakers

As I may have mentioned to you once or twice (or five times) I was lucky enough to work on the movie, "Coraline" (coming out on Friday!) This morning there was a knock at the door and a surprise package waiting for me as a thank you for my time on the show: CORALINE DUNKS!

Check it out! These are specially-made, limited edition basketball sneakers with a Coraline theme. I especially like the stitching and the buttons on the top. While I agree with Kenneth that "they are truly, truly ugly" isn't ugly the new cool? Besides, the last time I owned high tops I was about 9 years old and they definitely weren't swanky Nikes. I shall wear these all about town! *spring**sproing**bounce**

Related: I've had some emails asking about my name in the credits. Yes, I am proud to say that my name will be in the credits! I'm under the "VFX" section, which occurs a little more than halfway through the credit roll.

*climbs soapbox*

As I mentioned, the film opens on Friday, Feb. 6th and the whole of the Oregon film industry is holding its breath to see how it does. The future of film in Oregon (especially stop-motion film) really does depend on how well Coraline does in its opening week. We all want to continue to work in the industry without having to move to *gag* California! So, please go see it and tell all your friends to go see it!

*dismounts soapbox*

1 comment:

  1. I'll support you even though you gag on my home of four years! everyone needs the help. sicko kicks btw! major score.
